FAQ: Northern LightsCheck out our guide with the most popular questions about the incredible aurora borealis.Norway Wildlife & Nature Northern Lights Aurora Borealis Read more
Galápagos IslandsTaken on an expedition with HX in the Galápagos Islands, this is the photo that won solo traveller Alex Stead the British Photography Awards 2024 – Water Life category. He had this to say: “The Galapagos Islands were an absolute dream come true for a wildlife photographer like me. From the land to the sea, the diversity of life was simply breathtaking.” Click below to learn more about Alex’s experience, see more of his photos and his pro tips for capturing inspiring images like this one. Galápagos Islands Photography Blue-footed Boobie Galápagos Tortoise 1 mins readRead more
Wildlife in NorwayWhile most are drawn to Norway for its famous fjords and glorious mountains, many are thrilled to discover a range of wildlife thriving in its waters, skies, and hillsides.Wildlife & Nature Whales Birds Reindeer Read more
10 things to know about your environmental commitment in SvalbardHX Expeditions is a participant in the Norwegian Polar Institute’s project to register marine mammals in the Arctic. Gathering this data improves insight of habitat use and seasonal migration patterns and is also used in The Environmental Monitoring of Svalbard. Wildlife & Nature Environmental commitment Svalbard Arctic flora 1 mins readRead more
Elephant Island: Five Facts You Need to KnowElephant Island, Antarctica, is named after the elephant seals that make their home there (as well as for its elephant-like shape). The island is located 150 miles off the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula, in the outer reaches of the South Shetland Islands. Covered in ice and towering above the surrounding Southern Ocean, it’s truly a sight to behold. Here are five notable facts.Antarctica Wildlife & Nature Seals Remote beauty Read more
Stay Curious—An Interview with Karin StrandGodmother to the world’s first hybrid powered cruise ship, MS Roald Amundsen, and one of the world’s most experienced explorers and pioneers in expedition travel, Karin Strand has played a significant role in making HX Hurtigruten Expeditions what it is today. We’re grateful she sat with us for a few minutes to share some thoughts and reflections. Wildlife & Nature Antarctica Educational Lectures and talks 4 mins readRead more
14 fascinating facts about penguinsAll over the world, penguins are adored for their resilience and their charm. Here are 14 fun facts about penguins in Antarctica and beyond. Penguins Wildlife & Nature Explorers programme Exploring Read more