
Før du begiver dig ud på dit livs eventyr, anbefaler vi på det kraftigste, at du bruger et par minutter på at gøre dig bekendt med oplysningerne om visum og obligatoriske rejsedokumenter. Gennem vores partnere hos Smartvel kan du finde ud af, hvad du skal bruge for at sikre, at du er klar til at sætte sejl med os.

The information that is made available to the public in this section aims to help our passengers and potential clients in their first steps during the design and preparation of their travel plans. Said information is provided by Smartvel, which compiles public and private sources of the highest confidence. Storing, reviewing or recording this information is prohibited without the express consent of Smartvel. Given the changing nature of this information, we cannot guarantee that this information is accurate or up-to-date at all times. For this reason, our passengers are always recommended to inquire directly with the corresponding national immigration and customs and border control authorities regarding the regulations applicable to their particular case. Hurtigruten is not responsible for the decisions made based on the information provided. Smartvel's general conditions are at

Storbritanniens elektroniske rejsetilladelsesordning: For mere information om Storbritanniens elektroniske rejsetilladelse (ETA) for udenlandske statsborgere, besøg venligst her. ETA er obligatorisk for borgere fra forskellige lande med specifikke startdatoer afhængigt af din nationalitet. For mere information, besøg venligst her.

Penguins perched on the ice of Cuverville Island, Antarctica. Credit: Espen Mills / HX Hurtigruten Expeditions

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